Kerana Cinta Itu Ada Sophilea Nabila Razali Entertainment
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Tajuk: Kerana Cinta Itu Ada
ISBN: 9789672663300
Penerbit: Nabila Razali Entertainment
Penulis: Sophilea
Tahun Terbitan: 2022
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Softcover
Cinta itu satu ANUGERAH..
Nabila Aulia dan Tengku Aisy Mateen, bertemu dan saling jatuh cinta,
Indahnya sebuah cinta bersulam bahagia.
Namun… kebahagiaan iti tercalar tatkala sahabat sendiri, Dahlia yang menjadi api dan duri kerana fitnah Dahlia dan Rayyan, cinta Aisy dan Bella PUTUS.
Kebenaran muncul tatkala beberapa jam selepas pernikahan mereka, pernikahan yang bagi Bella adalah hukuman neraka dunia. Masih terngiang bicara Aisy ketika Bella merayu untuk hadir ke mailis mereka.
'"Saya akan datang tapi hanya seketika Bella, dan saya tetap memilih Dahlia."
Sakitnya yang Aisy tinggalkan menjadikan dia Nabila Aulia yang kuat. Namun tapa Bella sedar ikatan keduanya tetap utuh dan kuat. Dia tak akan pernah menangis lagi demi lelaki seperti Aisy Mateen.
"Awak mash isteri saya yang sah Bella tak pernah satu pun lafaz talak saya suarakan' Bella terkejut.
"Lima tahun Aisy mana mungkin saya masih isteri

Nabila Aulia 和 Tengku Aisy Mateen 相遇并相爱,
婚礼几小时后,真相大白了,这场婚礼对贝拉来说简直就是人间地狱的惩罚。 当贝拉请求去取邮件时,艾西还在说话。
艾西留下的痛苦让她成为了坚强的纳比拉·奥利亚。 但贝拉意识到他们之间的联系仍然完好无损且牢固。 她再也不会为艾西·马丁这样的男人哭泣了。
Title: Because Love Is There
ISBN: 9789672663300
Producer: Nabila Razali Entertainment
Author: Sophilea
Year of Issue: 2022
Pages: Black and White
Format: Softcover
Love is a GIFT..
Nabila Aulia and Tengku Aisy Mateen, meet and fall in love with each other,
The beauty of a love embroidered with happiness.
However... iti's happiness was scratched when her best friend, Dahlia became a fire and thorn because of Dahlia and Rayyan's slander, Aisy and Bella's love BREAKS.
The truth came out when a few hours after their wedding, a wedding that for Bella was a punishment of hell on earth. Aisy was still talking when Bella begged to come to their mail.
"I will come but only for a moment Bella, and I still choose Dahlia."
The pain that Aisy left behind made her a strong Nabila Aulia. But Bella realized that the bond between them remained intact and strong. She will never cry again for a man like Aisy Mateen.
"You are my legal wife Bella, I have never uttered a word of divorce" Bella was surprised.
"Five years Aisy, maybe I'm still a wife

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