Vision Care Wearable Corrective Glasses Improver Stenopeic Pinhole Anti-fatigue Eye Protection/ Spek Mata Ibn Sina/针孔眼镜
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Courier Company Location Shipping Cost (Manual Order) Estimated delivery (Working days)
Pos Laju Sabah RM  19.00 1 - 2 Days
Pos Laju Sarawak RM  19.00 1 - 2 Days
Pos Laju Semenanjung RM  6.50 1 - 2 Days
Shipping fee calculate based on the product highest weight/ volumetric dimension. Product more than 2kg can refer others postage.

Vision Spectacles Astigmatism Eyesight Improve Eyes Care Pinhole Glasses Eyewear (Cermin Mata Terapi) (Training Glasses)
It is now widely accepted that pinhole glasses do improve vision for suffering with refractive error eye disorders, even ophthalmologists use pinhole equipment to check eyes for refractive disorder. Frequent substitute of prescription glasses (TV, computer, reading) with pinhole glasses will result in improved vision, natural and drug-free.
*Color: Black
*Material: plastic
*This is a pair of pinhole glasses! It also can serve as a pair of fashion glasses.
*Theory is very simple: when the eyes can only look through the small holes, they naturally change  focus to a relaxing standard, so that the eyeballs are relieved from the previous nervous focus.
*Wearing for 15 minutes one day will help to improve your eyesight within 2-4 weeks.
*Activates your natural vision ability to see clearly.
*Eliminates stress and strain caused by glasses.
*Helps you see clearly near and far.
*Promotes vision habits.
*Good and simple eye relaxation for a large population whose job causes tired eyes: students, teacher, white collar, computer users. Age from child to aged people, etc.

视力眼镜散光视力改善眼睛护理针孔眼镜Eyewear (Cermin Mata Terapi) (Training Glasses)
现在人们普遍认为,针孔眼镜确实可以改善屈光不正眼疾患者的视力,甚至眼科医生也使用针孔设备检查眼睛是否存在屈光不正。 经常用针孔眼镜代替处方眼镜(电视、电脑、阅读)将改善视力,自然且无药物。
*这是一副针孔眼镜! 它还可以作为一副时尚眼镜。
*每天佩戴 15 分钟将有助于在 2-4 周内改善您的视力。
*适合因工作导致眼睛疲劳的大量人群:学生、教师、白领、电脑用户。 年龄从儿童到老年人等。

Cermin Mata Penglihatan Astigmatisme Penglihatan Memperbaiki Penjagaan Mata Cermin Mata Lubang Jarum Cermin Mata (Cermin Mata Terapi) (Cermin Mata Latihan)
Kini diterima secara meluas bahawa cermin mata lubang jarum memperbaiki penglihatan untuk mengalami gangguan mata ralat refraktif, malah pakar oftalmologi menggunakan peralatan lubang jarum untuk memeriksa mata untuk gangguan refraktif. Penggantian cermin mata preskripsi yang kerap (TV, komputer, bacaan) dengan cermin mata lubang jarum akan menghasilkan penglihatan yang lebih baik, semula jadi dan bebas dadah.

*Warna: Hitam
*Bahan: plastik
*Ini adalah sepasang cermin mata lubang jarum! Ia juga boleh berfungsi sebagai sepasang cermin mata fesyen.
*Teori adalah sangat mudah: apabila mata hanya boleh melihat melalui lubang kecil, mereka secara semula jadi menukar fokus kepada standard yang santai, supaya bola mata lega daripada fokus saraf sebelumnya.
*Memakai selama 15 minit sehari akan membantu meningkatkan penglihatan anda dalam masa 2-4 minggu.
*Mengaktifkan keupayaan penglihatan semula jadi anda untuk melihat dengan jelas.
*Menghilangkan tekanan dan ketegangan yang disebabkan oleh cermin mata.
*Membantu anda melihat dengan jelas dekat dan jauh.
*Menggalakkan tabiat penglihatan.
*Kelonggaran mata yang baik dan mudah untuk populasi besar yang pekerjaannya menyebabkan mata letih: pelajar, guru, kolar putih, pengguna komputer. Umur dari kanak-kanak kepada orang tua,.

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Save Value Mart is a renowned dropship supplier and dropship wholesaler in Malaysia with an office nestled in Seri Kembangan, Selangor. We at Save Value Mart have an ultimate goal to be the most recognised name in the industry; trusted and highly reputed by our clients from all across the country.Incorporating the E-commerce order fulfilment model that is of escalating demand in recent years, our dropshipping operation aids our clients by saving up the inventory space needed, investment expenditure, time needed for packaging, and risk of stocking new items, among others.

We provide wide array of products including, but not limited to, car accessories, pet accessories, electrical products, cosmetics, and kitchenware. One thing that is worth highlighting is that the prices we are offering are budget friendly, keeping in line with our hope to create a pleasant business venture for each of our clients.In the light of the fact that timeliness is of the utmost importance in online shopping, we – being one of the best dropship suppliers and dropship wholesalers in Malaysia - always go the extra mile in the bid to dropship products to their respective recipients in time. Great attention is also placed during the delivery stage to ensure that all the dropshipped products are received in the finest conditions possible.