Buku Healing Patahnya Sayap Harapan
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Sedang leka terbang tinggi melewati langit bahagia, tanpa sedar sayap sendiri patah tersadung batu percaya.
Sehingga terlupa yang aku juga manusia biasa, yang layak untuk mengalirkan mutiara kaca yang bergelar air mata.
Mungkin atas dasar terlalu lama tersenyum gembira, kali ini aku jatuh yang benar-benar jatuh.
Untuk kau yang masih berduka atau yang sedang dihantui kesepian,
- Tajuk: Patahnya Sayap Harapan
- ISBN: 9789672118442
- Penerbit: Tarbiah Sentap
- Penulis: Najmi Fetih
- Tahun Terbit: 2023
- Muka Surat: 140
- Halaman: Hitam Putih
- Format: Softcover
- 标题:折断的希望之翼
- 国际标准书号:9789672118442
- 出版商:Tarbiah Sentap
- 作者:纳吉米·费提赫
- 出版年份:2023
- 页数:140
- 页面:黑白
- 格式:平装
While flying high through the happy sky, unknowingly his own wings were broken and he stumbled on a rock.
Until I forget that I am also an ordinary human being, who deserves to shed glass pearls called tears.
Maybe on the basis of smiling happily for too long, this time I really fell.
For you who are still grieving or who are haunted by loneliness,
- Title: The Broken Wing of Hope
- ISBN: 9789672118442
- Publisher: Tarbiah Sentap
- Author: Najmi Fetih
- Year of Publication: 2023
- Pages: 140
- Pages: Black and White
- Format: Softcover

General Merchandise Wholesaler & Drop Shipping Wholesalers. For Everything needed for an online store market, convenience store or other kind of retail and wholesale businesses

Dropship Supplier In Malaysia

Save Value Mart is a renowned dropship supplier and dropship wholesaler in Malaysia with an office nestled in Seri Kembangan, Selangor. We at Save Value Mart have an ultimate goal to be the most recognised name in the industry; trusted and highly reputed by our clients from all across the country.Incorporating the E-commerce order fulfilment model that is of escalating demand in recent years, our dropshipping operation aids our clients by saving up the inventory space needed, investment expenditure, time needed for packaging, and risk of stocking new items, among others.

We provide wide array of products including, but not limited to, car accessories, pet accessories, electrical products, cosmetics, and kitchenware. One thing that is worth highlighting is that the prices we are offering are budget friendly, keeping in line with our hope to create a pleasant business venture for each of our clients.In the light of the fact that timeliness is of the utmost importance in online shopping, we – being one of the best dropship suppliers and dropship wholesalers in Malaysia - always go the extra mile in the bid to dropship products to their respective recipients in time. Great attention is also placed during the delivery stage to ensure that all the dropshipped products are received in the finest conditions possible.