Tuhan, Aku Ingin Jumpa Nabi – Dari Penulis Adnin Roslam -BESTSELLER!
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Inilah impian dan doa yang sering dibaca oleh semua perindu Nabi Muhammad SAW. Namun, adakah kita layak untuk bertemu baginda? Apakah amalan yang melayakkan kita untuk bertemu baginda? Apakah dosa yang menjadi penghalang untuk kita bertemu baginda di akhirat kelak? Dalam buku “Tuhan, Aku Ingin Jumpa Nabi” ini, saya susun satu rangka cara untuk meningkat rasa rindu ingin berjumpa sang nabi nan agung ini di akhirat kelak, dan insya-Allah mungkin sahaja boleh bersama baginda di syurga, amin.
1. Kita akan membaca biodata ringkas baginda.
2. Kita akan melalui 10 kisah sahih yang akan meningkatkan rasa rindu kepada baginda.
3. Kemudian kita akan melalui 20 nama insan dan info ringkas mereka yang sudah pasti akan berjumpa baginda dan akan bersama
baginda. Agar menjadi inspirasi agar kita berusaha mempunyai nilai persis mereka jua.
4. Setelah itu kita akan belajar apakah 30 sebab Nabi Muhammad tidak ingin berjumpa kita.
5. Ini bahagian istimewa di mana saya susun 40 hadis amalan sunnah baginda yang mudah, namun ganjarannya besar. Dan 40 hadis
ini jika di amalkan boleh jadi bukti tanda cinta sunnah dan asbab berjumpa baginda.
6. Akhir sekali, adanya 50 checklist tanda-tanda amalan yang kita lakukan tanda kita mencintai dan merindui pertemuan dengan nabi.
Bukankah pengakuan tanpa bukti hanyalah omong kosong.
7. Semoga kita semua dapat bertemu & bersama Nabi di syurga kelak!
- ISBN: 9789672118541
- Penerbit:Tarbiah Sentap
- Penulis: Adnim Roslan
- Tahun Terbit: 2023
- Muka Surat: 315
- Halaman: Hitam Putih
- Format: Softcover
1. 我们将阅读他的简短简历。
2. 我们将讲述10个真实的故事,增加对陛下的思念之情。
3. 然后我们会查一下20个人的名字和他们的简要信息,他们一定会见到陛下并且会在一起
4. 之后我们将了解先知穆罕默德不想见我们的 30 个原因。
5. 这是一个特别的部分,我整理了40条关于陛下圣行实践的圣训,这些圣训很简单,但回报却很大。和 40 条圣训
6. 最后,我们列出了 50 个实践迹象清单,这些迹象表明我们热爱并怀念与先知的会面。
7. 愿我们以后都能在天堂与先知相见!
- ISBN:9789672118541
- 出版商:Tarbiah Sentap
- 作者:阿德尼姆·罗斯兰
- 出版年份:2023
- 页码:315
- 页面:黑白
- 格式:平装
This is the dream and prayer that is often read by all those who miss the Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, are we worthy to meet him? What practice qualifies us to meet him? What is the sin that prevents us from meeting His Majesty in the afterlife? In this book "God, I Want to See the Prophet", I put together a framework to increase the longing to see this great prophet in the afterlife, and God willing, I may be able to be with him in heaven, amen.
1. We will read his brief biodata.
2. We will go through 10 authentic stories that will increase the feeling of longing for His Majesty.
3. Then we will go through the names of 20 people and their brief information who will definitely meet His Majesty and will be together
His Majesty. In order to be an inspiration for us to try to have their exact values.
4. After that we will learn what are the 30 reasons why Prophet Muhammad did not want to see us.
5. This is a special section where I have compiled 40 hadiths of his majesty's sunnah practices that are simple, but the reward is great. And 40 hadiths
this, if practiced, can be a sign of sunnah love and a reason to meet His Majesty.
6. Finally, there is a 50 checklist of signs of practice that we do as a sign that we love and miss meeting with the prophet.
Isn't confession without evidence just nonsense.
7. May we all be able to meet & be with the Prophet in heaven later!
- ISBN: 9789672118541
- Publisher: Tarbiah Sentap
- Author: Adnim Roslan
- Year of Publication: 2023
- Page: 315
- Pages: Black and White
- Format: Softcover

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