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Koleksi Karangan Hangat
Publisher: Prestasi Publication Sdn Bhd
ISBN: 9789831666166
Tahun: 2024
Pages: 132
Matlamat penulisan karangan adalah untuk melatih pelajar mengasah keupayaan berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif, menyampaikan pandangan dengan tersusun, serta menghasilkan karya yang sesuai mengikut konteks dan situasi.
Sepanjang masa, kementerian pendidikan malaysia terus berusaha meningkatan kualiti penulisan karangan. Mengikut format instrumen pentaksiran dan pelaporan , format ujian bertulis penulisan ini terbahagi kepada dua bahagian , iaitu bahagian A dan bahagian B.
Dua jenis item yang digunakan iaiah:
1, Bahagian A-Karangan subjektif respons terhad
2, Bahagian B- Karangan subjektif respons terbuka
Walau apa pun bentuk jarangan yang diberikan, pelajar perlu menguasai sistem bahasa dengan cemerlang. Ini termasuk penggunaan kata yang tepat, pembinaan ayat yang jelas, Serta penggunaan peribahasa yang betul.
Buku ini bertujuan membantu pelajar dalam memulis karangan pendek dan panjang, Serta kemahiran mereka dalam menyusun idea dan mengemukakan hujah dengan jelas.
Semoga koleksi karangan ini menjadi panduan berguna kepada pelajar dalam mengembangkan pemahaman mereka terhadap isu-isu semasa serta menambah baik kemahiran penulisan.
出版商: Prestasi Publication Sdn Bhd
1、Part A-主观有限反应论文
Hot Essay Collection
Publisher: Prestasi Publication Sdn Bhd
ISBN: 9789831666166
Year: 2024
Pages: 132
The goal of essay writing is to train students to hone their ability to think critically and creatively, present their views in an organized manner, and produce work that is appropriate according to the context and situation.
Throughout time, the Malaysian Ministry of Education continues to strive to improve the quality of essay writing. According to the format of the assessment and reporting instrument, the written test format of this writing is divided into two parts, namely part A and part B.
The two types of items used are:
1, Part A-Subjective limited response essay
2, Part B- Open response subjective essay
Regardless of the form of the given language, students need to master the language system with excellence. This includes the correct use of words, clear sentence construction, as well as the correct use of proverbs.
This book aims to help students in writing short and long essays, as well as their skills in organizing ideas and presenting arguments clearly.
Hopefully this collection of essays will be a useful guide for students in developing their understanding of current issues as well as improving their writing skills.

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